Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Greetings and welcome!

I will be using this blog to keep you up to date on my campaign, as well as key issues that we face in Warren, Center Line and the Great State of Michigan. This election cycle is pivotal not only for our state as we vote for new legislators to represent us in Lansing; but also on a national level as we vote for our candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate and President of the United States.

There are many areas that we can focus on for the State of Michigan but are not limited to the following:

Reforming government to become more efficient and more transparent to its residents.
Promoting energy conservation and becoming leaders in the research, development and manufacturing of alternative forms of energy.
Fighting to keep jobs in our state and attracting business to locate to Michigan.
Fighting for quality healthcare for the residents of our state.
Making sure that the teachers in our schools have the resources that are needed to give our kids an excellent quality education.

I will update this blog on a regular basis and I look forward to meeting everyone on my door to door campaign!


1 comment:

David said...

Just a few simple questions for you...

Do you consider yourself pro-life?
Would you favor the death penalty in Michigan?

Would you consider yourself more of a McCain Republican(moderate) or Ron Paul Republican(conservative)?

Thanks in advance.